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Writer's pictureKrzysztof Kosman

Body Leasing Contracts: The Smart Way to Hire Software Developers

As the markets are dynamic and businesses struggle to keep up with the ever-evolving demands of the market, it may be even more profitable to turn to staff augmentation company and choosing body leasing as a way to quickly and easily access the skilled labor force companies need.

One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is the difficulty of hiring top-tier talents. With demand for tech talent at an all-time high and a limited supply of qualified candidates, it can be tough to find the right people to join your team. Staff augmentation provider offers a solution to this problem by allowing business owners to temporarily bring in experienced professionals on a project-by-project basis.

In today's business landscape, high levels of innovativeness are essential for success. Software development companies that are able to continuously improve and adapt to changing market conditions are the ones that will thrive in the long run. Body leasing can be a valuable tool in this effort, as it allows businesses to bring in specialised expertise and fresh perspectives to help drive innovation and growth.

Whether you're looking to build a new SaaS product, launch a Startup, or tackle any other business challenge, software house can provide the skilled labor you need to get the job done and take care of some of the unnecessary distractions.

Shortly speaking, hiring a software developer through a body leasing contract type can have benefits like:

  • access to a wider talent pool,

  • cost savings,

  • flexibility in scaling the development team,

  • less human resources related affairs

  • and more...

This article will explore these benefits in detail and provide compelling reasons why businesses should consider using body leasing contracts when hiring software developers.

Staff augmentation means access to a wider talent pool
Staff augmentation means access to a wider talent pool

Access to a wider pool of talent.

Because these contracts are often used by specialised agencies (software house or software company) that have connections with a large number of software developers, they are able to quickly and easily find the right person for the job. This is particularly useful for companies that are looking for developers with specific skills or experience, as they can access a pool of qualified candidates that they might not be able to find on their own. Additionally, staff augmentation contracts allow businesses to try out different developers on a short-term basis before committing to a long-term hiring decision, which can be a valuable tool for finding the right fit.

This is particularly useful for companies that are looking for developers with specific skills or experience in their line of business. For example: we are specialising in EdTech and Education, thus we are able to more precisely and faster help with this industries specific needs.

For example, because we are a part of a SoDA (biggest polish Software Developers Association) we have connections with a large number of software houses. Thus we are able almost instantly augment our staff with the specific talent or skills, such as expertise in React, Strapi, PHP, or Symfony. Or even scale with a competencies we do not usually offer in our main stack.

Whether a company is looking for a developer with experience in a particular programming language or someone who has worked on similar projects in the past, body leasing can provide an efficient and effective way to find the right person for the job.

Body leasing contracts can save businesses money.
Staff augmentation contracts can result in cost savings for companies

Body leasing contracts can save businesses money.

Because these contracts are typically based on hourly rates, businesses can avoid the high costs associated with hiring full-time employees, such as benefits, taxes, and training. In addition, body leasing contracts allow businesses to only pay for the hours that the developer actually works (time and materials reconciliation model), which can provide additional cost savings. For example, if a business only needs a developer for a short-term project or for a longer period, it can use team extension model to avoid the costs of hiring a full-time employee.

Team extension helps to scale fast
Team extension helps to scale fast

Flexibility in scaling the development team.

Because these contracts are typically based on a short-term or project-based basis, businesses can easily adjust the size of their development team as needed. This is particularly useful for companies that are working on projects with fluctuating workloads or deadlines, as it allows them to quickly add or remove developers as needed.

Additionally, staff augmentation model allow businesses to ramp up their development team quickly when needed, which can be especially useful for companies that are facing tight deadlines or unexpected spikes in workload. This does not only apply to roles with strictly technical expertise, but to project management and a wide range of IT competencies as well.

No need to have in-depth technical knowledge in-house.

Another advantage is that companies do not need to have technical staff in-house. This is because software house development teams can advise on the best software stack for a particular project, offer a business analysts and help to arrange the necessary remote team.

For example, if a company is looking to develop an EdTech platform, a software house can help the company to determine the best server stack, programming languages and frameworks to use based on the project's requirements and business goals. Additionally, the software house can help the company find developers with the necessary skills and experience to build the platform.

Shorter time-to-market

Another possible positive outcome of team leasing is that it can lead to a shorter time to market for a startup or new product features. This is because it allow businesses to quickly grow and shrink their development team as needed, which can be especially useful for companies that are facing a tight competition and want to be ahead.

For example, if a startup is working on a new product that needs to be launched within a short timeframe, it can use a body leasing contract to bring on additional employees as needed to ensure that the product is completed on time. Similarly, if a company is looking to add new features to an existing product, it can leverage staff augmentation model to bring on additional developers to help with the development process.

Release yourself from the pain of laying-off

Another worth mentioning feature of working with people through a body leasing is that it can help companies avoid the challenges associated with firing employees.

When a business uses a body leasing contract, the developer is technically employed by the software house rather than the business itself. This means that the business does not need to worry about making the developer redundant or laying them off, as the developer's employment is not tied to the business. Instead, the software house is responsible for finding the developer new assignments or projects if the current assignment ends.

This arrangement can be beneficial for both the hiring business and the developer himself. From the business's perspective, it means that the company does not need to worry about the challenges and legal considerations of firing an employee. Instead, the company can simply let the body leasing contract expire at the end of the assignment and move on to the next project.

From the developer's perspective, it means that they are not as vulnerable the stress of the job loss, as they know that it is relatively easy for a software house to find a new assignment for them. This can help developers feel more secure in their employment and can lead to better retention and higher job satisfaction.

How does it work?

A software team extension model is a practical way of engaging external developers to work on projects and goals specific to your company. It involves having an expert (or dedicated team) in the field with mastery of development tools that your in-house team may not possess or be able to do due to their limitations. With an extended team, you get the same advantages as having regular employees, but without going through the lengthy recruitment process, and with fewer costs.

As part of an extended team, these experts step in and contribute alongside the core staff, helping with critical tasks while providing unique solutions tailored to your goals. They fit into the existing culture and workflow seamlessly while creating tangible results within a shorter timeframe compared to traditional outsourcing processes. Their commitment often leads to higher levels of productivity given their expertise and familiarity with global best practices ensure that projects are well-executed without compromising quality or functionality.

By outsourcing IT tasks, companies can avoid the headache of staffing IT departments
By outsourcing IT tasks, companies can avoid the headache of staffing IT departments

And what about IT Outsourcing?

IT outsourcing is a popular option for small businesses as well as large corporations looking to reduce costs while still taking advantage of the latest technologies. By outsourcing IT tasks, companies can avoid the headache of staffing IT departments, making sure they’re up-to-date on the latest software and hardware technologies. Instead, they can outsource these services to greatly reduce expenses while still having access to the latest technology available.

A company may find itself in need of specific expertise or supplemental resources that it does not possess in house. With the help of reputable IT service providers, businesses can bridge gaps between current levels of resources and desired capabilities, enabling them to make necessary changes quickly without hiring new staff or investing significantly in new technology infrastructure. Additionally, many IT outsourcing companies offer flat rate pricing structures that are designed with scalability and flexibility in mind so your organisation can adjust easily to shifting demands (faster than your in-house team). Such cost control measures allow firms to manage their IT budgets more effectively while still achieving their desired results quickly and easily.

IT outsourcing has become a common way for companies to remain competitive in today’s market. There are several types of outsourcing options available, allowing businesses to customise their outsourcing experience and needs.

  • On-site services involve having a dedicated IT team or specialist at the customer’s location to provide personalised service,

  • while offshore services use personnel from another country that may have more advanced technology and software solutions that the business can benefit from. Additionally, cloud services allow companies to store and access their data anywhere they need without the hassle of onsite storage systems and management processes.

  • For companies looking for maximum efficiency, a combination of different models — sometimes referred to as hybrid outsourcing models — may be the best fit for their needs. 

In addition, many businesses will utilise a third-party vendor who can act as an intermediary between them and one or more IT service providers – allowing businesses to pay only for what they actually use. This option can also help reduce overall costs associated with IT efforts by only paying for those specific services used during a given period, such as development or implementation work.

Meanwhile staff augmentation is often used when there is an unexpected spike in demand for certain temporary tasks which require specific levels of expertise or when existing permanent employees require some additional support.

The right IT solution or provider, however, is not always easy to find. When considering your options, think about the size and project requirements, as well as how you will ensure the security and compliance of the data used in each process. Additionally, having a clear understanding of what you need from an IT service provider can help facilitate the selection process.

If you already have an internal team of developers in place with the project manager or responsible tech, hiring contractors would be better (cost-wise) than hiring a dedicated software development team that includes managed services from vendors.

In conclusion

Overall, the benefits of hiring a software developer through a body leasing contract type are numerous and make it an attractive option for businesses that are employing software developers. Whether a business needs access to a wider pool of talent, cost reductions, or flexibility in scaling its development team, these contracts can provide valuable solutions.

Team extensions are a powerful solution for businesses looking to scale quickly. By outsourcing their technical staffing needs to an IT services provider, they can focus on expanding their operations without the hassle of traditional recruitment processes. This allows companies to fill skill gaps without spending extra time or resources on interviewing and hiring tech experts. Outsourcing firms provide experienced software professionals who have the skills required to meet the staffing demands of growing organisations, thus enabling them to scale faster.

In addition, team extensions offer businesses access to specialised experts who can help in setting up specific protocols or working on stringent requirements. Companies can also benefit from cost-effectiveness in salaries as well as a flexible staff augmentation services which can be quickly adjusted depending on the entire project's timeline and progressions. With outsourced staff members aboard, teams are able to stay agile and iterate rapidly with greater efficiency while filling in the skill gaps may be difficult to find otherwise.

All in all, body leasing contracts are a great way to hire software developers. It’s the perfect solution for companies looking to add value and expertise to their teams without the need for extensive hiring processes. With the right provider, businesses can rest assured they are getting access to top-notch talent quickly while also ensuring that their needs are met in a timely and cost-effective manner even for a long-term project.

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